Sarthak Singh

Senior Software Engineer Competitive-Programmer

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I am a Software developer and Competitive programmer with an Educational Background from Harcourt Butler Technical University, kanpur, India as a Computer Science and Engineering Student

Currently Working as Senior Software Engineer at Mahindra Comviva

I Started creating Web-pages at a very early age using HTML and CSS back then. Currently, I am invested in Backend Development. I am a java enthusiast and absolutely loves its magic in development. I learn new things Day by Day to keep up with the new technologies.

As a big picture thinker I am never afraid of getting my hands dirty to learn new things.I love to make pixel-perfect Websites and learn new Technologies.

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Java, C++


SpringBoot, Quarkus
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Digital-Marketing, SEO, SEM


Oracle DB, MySQL, Redis

Massage Broker

Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Solace


GitHUB, GitLab


AI enthusiast
Data Structure and Alogrithm, Problem-Solving, Competitive-Programing


These are some of my recent projects


Selected Under Top 50 Projects of Facebook AI Hackthon

Sentiment analysis of user reviews for particular disease and medicine Using Wit.Ai with Covid-19 Chatbot

We are trying to give the user fair information about what others think about that medicine he is using and what other best-rated medicines suggested for this particular disease and User can also compare two Medicines to know the best one.
We are using the UCI drug review dataset for getting reviews having more than 2 million reviews.
We have implemented a chatbot for all your queries on Covid-19 and it works on both Messenger and Telegram.

Source Code 

SocialWizard A Blogging Project

Idea is to make a Blogging website, It is fully functioning and sessions are used to make users logged-in.
The front-end of the project is managed by Web.Py, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
The Back-end of the project is managed by Web.Py, Javascript, AJAX and the MangoDB database is used.
The binary coded password saving method is used for better security & Humanize timestamp library is used to show the posted time of the Blog.
Please visit my Github link for a full description of the project.

Source Code

Sarthak Homeo Hall Website

This Website was developed by me for my father's clinic and the website is full functioning. It was made with HTML, CSS , Vanilla-Javascript, PHP, PHP-Mailer
This was an online showcase for the clinic and people can book online appointments through the form given.
And with the use of my Digital marketing and SEO skills, I made this website to the first page of google in Just 10 days.

E-commerce Internship

These are the tasks while my internship with IdealVillage, Bangalore I have learned many new things during this phase.
The internship was basically based on developing E-commerce websites and handling its data with Xampp SQL Database, the project includes Login, Register, Sessions, Mailer, Uploading a product, selling through online payment Gateway, the major technologies used in the project are HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, Javascript, PHP, PHP-mailer, Payment Gateway, And SQL for database-handling

Current weather Detector

This project was My first interaction with Api and This project uses the Open-weather Api to detect the weather of the searched City The project is built on Vanilla-Javascript, Open-Weather API The front-end is designed with HTML CSS Bootstrap4.

Source Code 

Face-Emotion Detector

This website is developed using Face-detection Api.AI, This is based on further exploration in the field of Api and moving to Api.AI. This project detects the emotion of your face and represents it as how % the AI is sure about Emotion. Working on it's mobile Compatibility, Till then Enjoy it live using your Computer.

Source Code

Other projects

There are many other small projects that I have made or worked on.
1. India's Glimpse - This is the project to make Tourism And interacting with guides much more easily through this platform and the money exchange feature is also the idea.
2. This is a navigation website for Urban Company Website that helps to better interact with the website for Legal help.
3. The trippers : This was made for Microsoft imagine cup. is is just a showcase of the website visit the source code accordingly for a full description.

1.Source Code  | 2.Source Code  | 3.Source Code

Pygame & Simple Calculator

1.The Pygame is built in Python. It is a 3 player game with colour-gradient to show current Health of the players and different attack mode and a file to save the scores of the players.
2. The simple calculator using Javascript and HTML, CSS for styling check out the source code through link.

1.Source Code  | 2.Source Code


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"There are only 10 types of people, who know binary and who don't."